Capturing Legacies

Welcome to Heirloom Echoes, where we believe every life story is a precious legacy waiting to be preserved. Founded by Aziah McConnell and Eva Blanshei, two passionate individuals hailing from the sunny shores of California and now nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Oregon, Heirloom Echoes is the culmination of their shared vision and unique expertise.

Aziah McConnell's career in sound engineering holds profound significance within the framework of Heirloom Echoes. With a background deeply rooted in the technical intricacies of audio production, Aziah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the art of preserving life stories.

In the context of Heirloom Echoes, Aziah's expertise allows for the creation of high-quality audio recordings that not only accurately capture the spoken word but also encapsulate the emotions, nuances, and subtleties of each moment. Whether it's the timbre of a loved one's voice, the laughter shared during family gatherings, or the heartfelt recollections of a life well-lived, Aziah's mastery ensures that every aspect of the narrative is preserved with fidelity and authenticity.

Eva Blanshei's expertise as a Postpartum Doula is an integral part of the fabric of Heirloom Echoes, infusing the company with compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of human connection. As a doula and family care specialist of 10+ years, Eva brings a wealth of experience in providing physical, emotional, and informational support to individuals and families during the transformative period of postpartum.

Eva's experience equips her with a unique perspective on the human experience, particularly in moments of transition, growth, and vulnerability. She understands the power of storytelling as a tool for healing, empowerment, and connection, recognizing that sharing one's narrative can be a transformative act of self-expression and validation.

At Heirloom Echoes, we specialize in the art of preserving life stories and family legacies through the power of high-quality audio recordings. We understand that every individual's journey is an intricate tapestry of experiences, memories, and wisdom worth cherishing. Through our meticulously crafted recordings, we strive to immortalize these narratives in a way that transcends time, allowing future generations to reconnect with their roots and gain insight into the lives of their ancestors.

Whether it's capturing the laughter of shared moments, the wisdom imparted through stories passed down through generations, or the heartfelt reflections on a life well-lived, Heirloom Echoes is dedicated to ensuring that these precious echoes endure for years to come.

Our mission goes beyond just preserving memories; it's about honoring the essence of each individual and celebrating the richness of human experience. With Heirloom Echoes, your story becomes a timeless treasure, a legacy that will resonate through the ages.

Join us on this journey of discovery and remembrance. Let Heirloom Echoes be the guardian of your family's legacy, ensuring that your unique voice reverberates through the corridors of time.